Embrace Lasting Connections

We’re a full-service coaching center that specializes in providing individualized care for couples and individuals with special consideration for neurodiverse conditions. We strive to empower all our clients in forging extraordinary relationships with unwavering confidence and profound understanding.

Local and National Resources

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA)
National Helpline –

By Phone: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
TTY: 1-800-487-4889

The National Mental Health Crisis Helpline

By Phone: 988

Psychology Today Provider Search Feature

Find a Therapist or https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists (if the link is buggy)
Amanda – This is my favorite resource when I need to find a new provider for my family members, which happens more often than you might think since we keep moving for work and school! Also, I love that you can narrow your search by methods and philosophies that align with yours. Therefore, it reduces the chances of you finding someone on the opposite side of the modality spectrum, possibly with more invasive techniques.

National Alliance on Mental Illness

Find your local NAMI or go to https://www.nami.org/findsupport
Amanda says – I’ll save my criticism of the term “mental illness” for another time (and a few sweet teas). But despite the potentially off-putting name, NAMI is a phenomenal resource whether you are looking for information for yourself or a loved one. Even if you are looking to become more involved in advocacy and helping others better understand what we know about different mental health issues. So much amazing information – discoveries are constantly being made!

For college students

Did you know that you can become a student member of the American Psychological Association (APA)? In addition to access to the latest discoveries and mental health news, you can also take advantage of
continuing education opportunities!

For couples

It can feel like becoming a couple is like joining a secret society – except no one ever tells you any secrets. However, should you decide to explore couples’ therapy, remember that the dynamic between patient and provider needs to work for both of you. So, if the provider doesn’t make you feel comfortable enough to speak, maybe try a different perspective.

Help is available 24 / 7

Services like the SAMHSA National Help Line
(1-800-662-HELP by phone)
and the National Mental Health Crisis Line (988 by phone) are always available. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Therefore, you never have to feel like you need to tackle mental health struggles alone. Understanding and empathetic support is available at these numbers and through your local mental health care providers.

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