
Thanks so much for trusting us to join you on your journey.

Please read this policy carefully. This is the Return and Refund Policy of Amanda Hatfield Coaching, the services provider for The Neurodivergent Couple.

Digital products

There are no refunds issued for digital products.

We recommend contacting us if you have any questions before you purchase or for assistance if you experience any issues receiving or downloading our products.

Online Self-Paced Learning Programs

Your satisfaction with your Program is important to us. While we don’t offer refunds for purchases, certain programs will offer up to, but no more than, a 7-Day 100% money-back guarantee for the Program purchased. We know how much of a game-changer our programs and the tools and approaches explored within can be for you. However, you must do the work contained in the program. If you (1) follow the money-back guarantee rules spelled out on that program’s sales page or invoice, (2) send an e-mail to request your money back to [email protected] and (3) submit all your completed assignments as outlined on the sales page, you’ll be issued a refund. After the guarantee period, no refunds will be issued and full payment or all installment payments are still required and will be collected.

Coaching Sessions

There are absolutely no refunds on Coaching and Consulting because once we spend our time with you, we can’t get it back. Coaching or consulting relationship results cannot be guaranteed because results depend on your openness to being coached, your willingness to do the work, and the unique challenges you wish to address.

If you find yourself dissatisfied with your investment and are currently on a payment plan, you have the option to request a cessation of future payments. In some instances, a mismatch between coach and client may occur, and it is advisable for both parties to part ways.

Providing a deposit or full program payment is your agreement and authorization for Amanda Hatfield Coaching to process your payment. Upon approval of your application, you are responsible for full payment of fees for the program upfront unless prior arrangements for a payment plan have been made. No refunds will be issued if you begin the program and all installments must be paid on a timely basis.

Finally, we spend a great deal of time preparing for each session to give you the best of our hearts and knowledge. Cancellations and rescheduled sessions will only be accepted with a minimum of 24 hours prior notice. If you’re more than 10 minutes late for your session, you forfeit that entire session.  If you fail to notify us and do not show, you will be considered a no-call-no-show and you will still be charged in full for your session. If you have prepaid for a package of sessions, no-call-no-show sessions will be deducted from your remaining session allotment. In turn, we promise to be prepared for our sessions and be on time. However, there may be emergencies that arise during a preceding session that may cause us to be delayed. In these situations, we will reach out to you via text to determine if you would like to wait or would rather reschedule your session with no penalty.

Expired Services

We acknowledge that unexpected circumstances can arise, potentially delaying the commencement or completion of your coaching within a reasonable timeframe. However, it is imperative to note that if you have paid for coaching services and do not initiate or have your initial session within six (6) months of your initial payment, your payments will be forfeited, and no refunds will be granted. We will make efforts to provide you with an equivalent service through a digital product or online program within one (1) year of your initial payment. Nevertheless, please be aware that 1:1 coaching services are not guaranteed, as coaching program offerings and pricing may have evolved since your initial payment. Beyond one (1) year from your initial payment, you will be required to enter into new contracts for both new and existing coaching services.

A Note on Payment Plans

When you choose to invest with us through a multi-pay or payment plan arrangement, it is essential to understand that you bear the responsibility of fulfilling your monthly payments. In the event your credit card becomes inactive, we will promptly contact you and extend a 7-day grace period for you to provide updated payment information. Failure to update your information during this grace period will result in the suspension of your program access.

Should you be unable to rectify your account within 7 days following the grace period, we regretfully will be compelled to forward your details to our collections agency for further action.

Need help?

Contact us at [email protected] for questions related to refunds and returns.

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